Monday, October 29, 2012

Mom passed peacefully about half an hour ago. Thank you for your prayers. I will post memorial arrangements soon.

Her Great Reward

After much prayer, we as a family have decided to follow moms wishes. She has fought a long and good fight. She has earned her time in heaven. We will slowly be moving her into comfort measures (removing life supporting devices). We ask that you please do not call or text at this time. We are thankful for your friendships, but need this time with mom. We do, however, continue to covet your prayers.
The Dr and her team have not come by yet. Will update after that apt.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

24 hours

Mom is out of surgery this morning. Nothing was done. Mom is not responding as well as we and the Doctors would like. They will monitor for 24 hours and unless God decides to intervene in a miraculous way, we will assume He has given us His answer. Please pray for peace for our family.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Harriet is out of surgery. She is fighting several infections right now. Some of them are very severe. She is fighting hard and another surgery will occur tomorrow morning to see how things are progressing.

We continue to covet your prayers.

Pray at 4:30 p.m.

Prayer warriors, please pray for Harriet at 4:30 p.m. She will be having another exploratory surgery to diagnose some issues that they are worried about.

No news is good news

Mom is doing well this morning. They are working on lowering some of her current meds so they can work on reducing the amount of fluids her body is retaining. She is currently on track for the surgery that will close the internal portion (muscular layer). That surgery is all dependent on the swelling continuing to go down. I will try to update each morning and evening. If there is any significant change I will post at that time. Thank you for the continues prayers.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Please continue to pray for Harriet. She is at a very high risk for 'things not going well'. She is dealing with an infection, possible organ damage from defibrillator use as well as trying to recover from the trama of 2 major surgeries within 24 hours.
On Thursday, mom (Harriet) underwent surgery for cancer.  It was a very long and strenuous surgery.  After surgery mom has some trouble with her BP and Blood Sugar that caused some very serious issues.  After regaining stability, we were able to see her.  At some point this morning it was realized that there was an issue with the colostomy and she went back for exploratory surgery.  They discovered that there was an infection, swelling and a small hole that was leaking into her abdomen.  They were able to fix the hole, but Mom is in very critical condition.  The next 72 hours will be touch and go. 
This page will be used to communicate updates on Harriet's condition. We thought it be easier to consolidate this information in one place.